moral adj. 1.道德(上)的,道义(上)的;守德行的;(特指男女关系上)品行端正的(opp. immoral)。 2.教导道德的。 3.精神上的(opp. physical, practical)。 4.(虽未证明但)无疑的,当然的;【逻辑学】盖然的,可能的(opp.demonstrative)。 a moral agent [being] 道德的行为者(人)。 a moral victory 精神胜利。 a moral blow 精神上的打击。 moral authority 道义。 moral certainty (虽不能证明但)确实可靠。 moral character 品行。 moral courage 信仰坚定不移的勇气,义勇。 moral culture 德育。 moral depreciation 【机械工程】无形损耗(opp. physical depreciation)。 moral education 思想品德教育;德育。 moral faculty [sense] 是非之心,良心。 moral good 德行。 moral inexhaustibility 百折不挠的精神。 moral law 道德律。 moral obligations 道义上的责任。 moral outlook 人生观。 moral philosophy 道德哲学,伦理学;〔古语〕心理学。 moral principles 道义。 moral rearmament (movement) 〔美国〕重振道德运动。 moral science 精神科学(= moral philosophy)。 moral support 精神上的支持。 moral tone 品格。 moral virtues 德,自然道德。 n. 1.(寓言等的)寓意,教训;寓言剧;〔pl. 但通常作单数用〕修身,伦理(学);〔pl.〕 (尤指男女间的)品行;〔罕用语〕= morale. 2.〔古语〕相对者;逼肖者。 point a moral 用实例训导。 The boy is the very moral of his father. 这孩子活像他父亲。
The forecast future , the sea woods as always will grasp the chinese tradition moral excellence , in production management initiative good faith 展望未来,海森将一如既往的秉持中华传统美德,在生产经营活动中倡导诚信。
Is good educated , intelligent virtuous , slender is delicate and exquisite , is cheerful sprightly . both has the up - to - dateness and not to lose the traditional moral excellence 受良好教育,聪慧娴淑,性格开朗明快,苗条娇小,既有现代意识又不失传统美德。
I am good - hearted , have chinese nation ' s traditional moral excellence , the pursue perfect woman , the hobby am widespread , now is a music teacher 我不完美、但我是个追求完美的女人。爱好广泛,音乐是我的专业(声乐、钢琴) ,绘画、书法、戏曲。现在是一名音乐教师。
I come from the chinese chongqing , solemn virtuous , good is sincere , deeply loves the life , is good at linking up , hobby reading , the music , the traveling , excels at the cooking , has the chinese womans traditional moral excellence 我来自中国重庆,端庄贤淑,善良真诚,热爱生活,善于沟通,爱好阅读,音乐,旅游,擅长烹饪,具有中国女人的传统美德。
The company by “ disseminates the duke guan culture , brings honor to the chinese moral excellence ” is the objective , take makes the internationalization the national culture brand as the mission , devotes in the duke guan culture project research , the exchange enterprise ' s globalized promotion 公司以“传播关公文化,弘扬中华美德”为宗旨,以打造国际化的民族文化品牌为使命,致力于关公文化项目研究、交流事业的全球化推广。
We hope eagerly that the groups and organizations of home and overseas and persons from all circles who are enthusiastic for education carry forward the chinese traditional moral excellence of respecting teachers and valuing teaching to donate to help teaching and poor people , and develop great educational cause of tianjin together 我们热切希望海内外各团体以及社会各界热心教育的有识之士,发扬中华民族尊师重教的传统美德,力行捐资助学、扶贫济困之善举,共襄天津教育发展宏图伟业。
Based on the analysis of the beauty in nature and youth , the creation of beauty by labor and struggle - the inner connection of true love to the concern with the country and people , this article enables people to have a better understanding of beauty and virtue , to enrich the knowledge of esthetics and improve the moral excellence 摘要通过对返璞归真与青春美,拼搏奋进与劳动创造美忧国忧民与挚爱的美等方面内在联系的分析,提高人们对美和美德的认识,拓宽美学知识,升华美德情操。
the quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong 同义词:virtue, virtuousness,